Friday evenings are apparently not a good time for me to expect to produce a blog post. Noted.
I’m already at 2,500+ words. Feature articles for the journal where I’ll be submitting this article are generally 3,000-5,000 words. I’m not sure I’ve actually really said anything yet. It’s mostly been trying to explain concepts and document the use cases so I can then get into a discussion of the problems and how to address them. I think I have a lot of tightening and concisination to do – and I might need to use better words.
The day also ended on a somewhat complicated note. For my last bit of writing this week I was attempting to document strategies and ideas that have been employed to move XML into RDF. I re-entered an article I apparently read over the summer which had some cool ideas about viewing simpleTypes and complexTypes in XML schema files and setting up RDF classes and properties based around those. Those are the notes I have but that was apparently only part of it. The article also formulates mathematical equations to determine the similarities between duplicate elements in the schema based on where they appear in the hierarchy of elements in the XSD. They also discuss other articles that have made attempts to strategize converting XML to RDF – articles I haven’t read yet. I bet that I was supposed to do that and forgot. And that was Friday afternoon – blergh.
And now it’s holiday time and I’m taking time off this week and next to take a solid break and be with my family. It sounds great but this unfinished business is going to be nagging at the back of my head. This is where downtime doesn’t always work so well for me. If I can’t get my head away from this I tend to drift back into reading and research and then break is over and I don’t feel like I took one.
If I work on anything during break time I will admit it and blog about it. I’d like to be honest with myself about how much time it takes me to research and write. And it is interesting to me but it is not my life. My life is preparing to invade my house for five days of awesome insanity and also sitting next to me right now playing Tales of Zestiria, perching above my head, and possibly trying to take out my holiday tree (or at least the ornaments on it).
It really is my favorite time of year and I need to stop and enjoy. The point here is that hopefully I won’t be back at it for a couple weeks.