So not a quiet end to this leave! Feedback and edits today from a colleague who is a member of the target audience of this journal had me making changes and repeatedly asking for more feedback all day today. Her feedback is really helpful, though, and is getting me to the point where I can release this article as a submitted thing. It will receive feedback from the peer-review process so I feel like I should be more OK with just sending it out, but it’s so hard to let something like this go without doing the absolute most I can to make it clear and understandable.
And the article is submitted! Ack, it’s submitted! I mean, cool, it’s submitted. I’ll post updates when the next thing happens!

Dry by catd_mitchell
Also, I have been writing my research leave report. This is kind of nice because I can point to this set of blog posts in my report to show how my work progressed. I wish I’d had time to incorporate more pictures. Blog posts are always more entertaining with pictures. Anyway, this “diary of a research leave” was useful to me to keep me focused and figure out what to do next. And just like that, the research leave is over.