I’m going to try some diary-style posts to track my progress through research leave and see how it goes. I have 3 weeks total, split up around the holidays, to write this article I posted about back in August. Stuff has been percolating and I have been reading and thinking. I presented at DLF in October about it and now I just need to get it done.
So today – I managed to establish that my Introduction was already written (I was going to write that today, Past Me, but whatever, be more efficient than Present Me – it’s fine). I started on the Literature Review section instead, which might be turning more into an Unpacking of Concepts section. And I managed to make it to the gym! (It’s on my daily tracking spreadsheet of things I’d like to do so it makes me hopeful that I will do that regularly. So much to look forward to!)
But I also had to do some work work because that’s how things go when you make plans. I’m hoping tomorrow is the last day I’ll have to do that but it’s made my work day go late (not unusual for me but I am really over that bad habit) and dinner is growing cold next to me right now. We’ll try this again tomorrow and see if research work and work work can end at a normal time. So done for today!