I took a bike ride on the trail today and saw a heron hunting in the creek and a deer hanging out on the trail. These are not pictures of them.
Today was a day of all writing! It was tougher than I thought though. I have examples of different places transitioning from XML to RDF metadata for various reasons and I want to document each of those within the article for discussion. I was under the impression that documentation would not be complicated but each case was actually really tough to get my brain back into and remember what I read and what they were doing. I started formulating this idea of treating these articles and presentations as use cases after I had read or encountered some of them so my notes tended to be too high-level and I had to revisit the articles and presentations again. But today helpedĀ me shape some of my thinking and suspicions about triple stores and their relationship to Fedora. And it’s making me want to get into theĀ Dive into Hydra-Works Tutorial, which I’m going to do but possibly not until I pick up the research leave again after the holidays. I doubt I can get through it in one day and I should continue writing tomorrow – that’s a stronger way to end this week, I think.